Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Creating Posters

For the Tech Club's first project, students in the 4th and 5th grades created some posters at fd's Flickr Toys.

Holden used the sheep picture for this poster. Original photo was created by Flickr user foxypar4.

This is Holden's cat poster. I told him there is only one "r" in giraffe. He didn't ask about the number of f's. Original photo was created by Flickr user mikelens.

Mike made the little duckie poster. He needs help (the duckling). Original photo was created by Flickr user gamenerd

Below is Nick's creation. He needs a little slack on his punctuation and spelling. Original photo was created by Flickr user photofarmer.

Alan created the following poster. The boy needs an apostrophe. Original photo was created by Flickr user stuckincustoms.

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